
作者: 时间:2021-07-24 点击数:




张效民,山东人,现为9778818威尼斯副教授 , 9778818威尼斯党总支书记。 2005 年毕业于北京大学9778818威尼斯,获法学(外交学专业)博士学位。曾于 2010 年至 2011 年在美国美利坚大学( American University )9778818威尼斯东亚研究中心做访问学者。
教育背景 :
2002 9 —2005 7 月,北京大学9778818威尼斯博士研究生;
1997 9 —2000 7 月,山东大学外国语学院硕士研究生;
1989 9 —1993 7 月,山东师范大学外语系本科生。
工作经历 :
2005 7 月至今,于9778818威尼斯任教;
2000 7 —2002 7 月,于山东大学外国语学院任教;
1993 7 —1997 7 月,于山东省济宁师范专科学校任教。
北京大学9778818威尼斯全球治理研究中心研究员、中央党校非洲研究中心研究员,中国非洲史研究会会员,中国国际发展研究网络( CIDRN )创始成员。



  1. 2021年校级培育项目“人类命运共同体视角下的中国对外援助创新研究”。

  2. 2020年,9778818威尼斯双一流课题“中国抗疫援助的国际认知与中国对外援助创新研究”。

  3. 2015 年,英国国际发展部与中国农业大学联合课题 中国参与国际多边援助研究

  4. 2014 年,9778818威尼斯公共外交研究中心 中国对非援助对中国公共外交的作用

  5. 2011 年承担9778818威尼斯 “211” 课题 晚清外交制度的近代化 - 一种观念的视角

  6. 2009 年承担北京外国大学基本科研基金科研项目 中国对外援助及其大国形象的建构

  7. 2009 年承担9778818威尼斯校级课题 晚清领事制度的确立与发展

  8. 2009 年承担9778818威尼斯世界亚洲研究中心课题 “2000 年来国内美国中国学研究述评

  9. 2008 年承担9778818威尼斯世界亚洲研究中心课题 当代美国的中国研究

  10. 2007 年,承担9778818威尼斯学校课题 对外援助与中国和平战略

  11. 2005 年参加北京大学叶自成教授主持的教育部重大攻关课题 中国和平发展的国际环境 研究,负责中亚部分,撰写研究报告 3 万字。

  12. 2002 年参加北京大学9778818威尼斯贾庆国教授主持的 北京市 2008 年奥运会的国际安全环境 课题研究,负责国际形势部分,撰写相关报告 2 万余字,该课题受到北京市政府表彰。

  1. 论文《英国对外援助规制体系研究》,载孙同全等著《对外援助规制体系比较研究》,社会科学文献出版社, 2015 年版。

  2. 论文《中国在非洲能力建设中的作用》,《当代世界》, 2014 年第 6 期。

  3. 论文《联合国 2013 年人类发展报告对中国对外援助的启示》,《当代世界与社会主义》, 2014 年第 2 期。

  4. 论文《英国对外援助法律规制研究》,《国际经济合作》, 2014 5 月。

  5. 论文《海外中国学研究学科建设刍议》,《国际汉学》, 2012 年第 1 期。

  6. 论文《当代美国中国研究的几个问题》,《国际论坛》, 2009 年第 1 期。

  7. 论文《如何看待非洲在中国外交中的重要作用》(第二作者),载《新远见》, 2008 年第 6 期。

  8. 论文《晚清政府对海外华工的保护》,载《社科纵横》, 2008 年第 3 期。

  9. 论文《中国软实力的评估和发展路径》(第一作者),载《国际论坛》, 2008 年第 5 期。

  10. 论文《中国和平战略视野中的对外援助》,载《国际论坛》, 2008 年第 3 期。

  11. 论文《对外援助与中国和平外交》,载陶秀璈、顾小存编《全球化中的世界经济与文化的互动》,中共中央党校出版社, 2007 年版。

  12. 论文《海外中国学学科建设刍议》,顾小存、张妮妮等编《中国改革开放前言问题研究》, 2009 年版。

  13. 论文《晚清外交变化中的观念因素》(第一作者),载《国际政治科学》, 2006 年第 2 期。

  14. 论文《晚清的条约外交》,载《历史档案》, 2006 年第 1 期。

  15. 论文《国际法与近代晚清外交》,载《太平洋学报》, 2005 年第 11 期。

1. 《团结工会 25 周年》,《国外理论动态》, 2009 12 月。
  1. China's Participation in International Multilateral Assisance, Journal of International Developmetn Studies, Vol.28, No.3, 2019.
  2. China’s foreign aid: How big is it and what is its aim? co-author with Luo Jianbo Pambazuka News         Issue 690         August 6th         2014.     http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/9273318.    
  3. “China in Africa: Devil or Angel?”, co-author with Luo Jianbo, Pambazuka News, February 19, 2014,     http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/9063819.    
  4. "Multilateral Cooperation in Africa between China and Western Countries         from Differences to Consensus"         co-author with Luo Jianbo, Review of International Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, September, 2011.
  5. “China’s Foreign Aid to Africa and Its Image Shaping”, in China-Africa: New Types of Exchange, Cultural Identity and Emerging Relations in a Globalized World, Joseph University Press, May, 2011.
  6. “China's African Policy and its Soft Power”, AntePodium, ( Online Journal of World Affairs, Co-author with Luo Jianbo, April, 2009,School of Political Science and International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand). Http://www.victoria. ac. nz/ atp/
  7. Changes of African Geopolitical Pattern and the Trilateral Cooperation between China, Africa and the West”, co-author with Luo Jianbo in Fifty Years of Sino-African Cooperation: Background, Progress & Significance edited by Liu Hongwu and Yang Jiemian, Yunnan University Press, 2009.    
  8. The Late Qing Dynasty Diplomatic Transformation: Analysis from an Ideational Perspective”, Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 1, 2007.
联系方式: zhangxiaomin@bfsu.edu.cn

Zhang Xiaomin

Born in 1970, he now works at the School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Beijing Foreign Studies University. He got his PhD in 2005 at the School of International Studies, Peking University. He was ever a visiting scholar at the Center for East Asian Studies of School of International Service, American University. He is also a part-time researcher at the Center of Global Governance of School of International Studies, Peking University, a part-time researcher at the Center for African Studies of Institute of International Strategic Studies, Party School of the CPC and a member of the Chinese Society of African Historical Studies, and a member of the Chinese International Development Research Network (CIDRN). His studies cover China’s modern and contemporary foreign policy, China’s foreign aid and Sino-African relations. He has authored a number of articles which were published in some famous magazines home and abroad. He also frequently attends international conferences in related fields abroad.



  1. China's Participation in International Multilateral Assisance, Journal of International Developmetn Studies, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2019.

  2. China’s Role in the Capacity Building of African Countries, Contemporary World, Issue 6, 2014.

  3. Acts and Regulations in Related to Britain’s Foreign Aid, International Economy and Cooperation, Issue 5, 2014.

  4. Impact of the 2013 Human Development Report of the UN on China’s Foreign Aid, Contemporary World and the Socialism, Issue 2, 2014.

  5. China’s foreign aid: How big is it and what is its aim? co-author with Luo Jianbo  Pambazuka NewsIssue 690August 6th2014. http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/92733

  6. “China in Africa: Devil or Angel?”, co-author with Luo Jianbo, Pambazuka News, February 19, 2014, http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/90638

  7. "Multilateral Cooperation in Africa between China and Western Countriesfrom   Differences to Consensus"co-author with Luo Jianbo, Review of International Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, September, 2011.

  8. China’s Foreign Aid to Africa and Its Image Shaping”, "China-Africa: New Types of Exchange, Cultural Identity and Emerging Relations in a Globalized World," Joseph University Press, May, 2011.

  9. “ Build the Studies of the ‘Chinese Studies Overseas’ as a Subject”, in Gu Xiaocun and Zhang Nini eds., Forefront Research on China’s Reform and Opening-up (Beijing, The Central Party School Publishing House, 2009).

  10. Changes of African Geopolitical Pattern and the Trilateral Cooperation between China, Africa and the West”, co-author with Luo Jianbo in Fifty Years of Sino-African Cooperation: Background, Progress & Significance” edited by Liu Hongwu and Yang Jiemian, Yunnan University Press, 2009.

  11. China's African Policy and its Soft Power”, AntePodium, ( Online Journal of World Affairs, Co-author with Luo Jianbo, April, 2009,School of Political Science and International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand). Http://www.victoria. ac. nz/ atp/

  12. “Some Thoughts on the Studies of ‘Chinese Studies in America’ by Chinese Scholars”, International Forum, No. 3 (March 2009).

  13. “The Importance of Africa in China’s Foreign Relations”, New Horizon, No. 6, (June 2008).

  14. “The Protection of the Overseas Chinese in Late Qing Dynasty”, Social Science, No. 3, (November 2008).

  15. “The Evaluation of China’s Soft Power and the Road Map of its Development”, International Forum, No.5 (Co-author with Luo Jianbo, May, 2008).

  16. China’s Foreign Aid in Perspective of Its Peaceful Strategy, International Forum, No. 3 (March 2008).

  17. “China’s Foreign Aid and Its Peaceful Foreign Policy”, in Tao Xiuao and Gu Xiaocun ed., The Interaction between the World Economy and Culture in the Globalization, (Beijing, The Central Party School Publishing House, 2007).

  18. The Late Qing Dynasty Diplomatic Transformation: Analysis from an Ideational Perspective” Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 1 (January 2006).

  19. “Foreign Policy of Late Qing Dynasty in Terms of Treaties with Foreign Countries”, Historical Archives, No. 1 (January 2006).

  20. “International Law and Foreign Policy of Late Qing Dynasty”Pacific Journal, No. 3 November 2005.


For undergraduate students:

Studies of DiplomacyClassical Readings of International Relations (in English), China’s Diplomacy and Foreign Policy (in English)

For graduate students

Diplomatic Thought of ChinaChina’s Foreign Relations (in English for international students)








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