
作者: 时间:2019-08-29 点击数:









20076 美国西北大学(Northwestern University)政治学博士学位

2001年4月 9778818威尼斯英语语言文学硕士学位

19967 四川外语学院英语语言文学学士学位


20195月至今 9778818威尼斯院长

20149月至20194 9778818威尼斯英语学院副院长

20119月至今 9778818威尼斯英语学院教授

20089月至20117  9778818威尼斯英语学院副教授

20079月至20087  9778818威尼斯英语学院讲师

19969月至19987  四川外语学院英语三系助教














谢韬、Benjamin I. Page:《美国公众眼中的中国崛起》,载《世界经济与政治》,2009年第10





谢韬、Lee Sigelman:《中美政治学研究方法之比较》,载《浙江社会科学》,2008年第5期。



Tao Xie and Donglin Han, “In the Shadow of Strategic Rivalry: China, America, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,” Journal of Contemporary China, April 2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2019.1594104 (SSCI收录)

Xie Tao, “China-US Relations during the Trump Administration: Mixed Signals, Increased Risks.” Asia Policy, 2017, 24: 5-12.

Xie Tao, “Back on the Silk Road: China’s Version of Rebalancing to Asia,” Global Asia, Vol.9, No.1, 2014, pp.7-76.

Tao Xie and Benjamin I. Page, “What Affects China’s International Image? A Cross-national Study of Public Opinion,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 22, No 82, 2013, pp.850-67. (SSCI 收录)

Tao Xie and Benjamin I. Page, “Americans and the Rise of China as a World Power,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 19, No 66, 2010, pp.479-501. (SSCI收录)

Tao Xie, “Congress and China Policy: An Analysis of China Bills,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.17, No.54, 2008, pp.141-65. (SSCI 收录)

Tao Xie, “Congressional Roll Call Voting on Trade with China: MFN and PNTR,” American Politics Research, Vol.34, No.6, 2006, pp.732-58. (SSCI 收录)


Tao Xie, U.S.-China Relations: China Policy on Capitol Hill, London: Routledge, 2009.

Benjamin I. Page and Tao Xie, Living with the Dragon: How the American Public Views the Rise of China, New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.


Benjamin I. Page and Tao Xie, "Complexities of Economic Soft Power: The U.S.-China Case," in Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in East Asia, ed. Jan Melissen and Sook-jong Lee, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Benjamin I. Page and Tao Xie, “Purposive Belief Systems Concerning Foreign Policy,” in Advances in the Analysis of Public Opinion and Political Behavior, ed. Benjamin Highton and Paul Sniderman, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011.


Tao Xie, “El contestado auge de China en el Pacifico,” Politica Exterior, Vol.27, No.155, 2013, pp.138-146.


Professor, Dean

School of International Relations and Diplomacy

Beijing Foreign Studies University

Email: xietao@bfsu.edu.cn

Research Interests

U.S. politics (congress, president, and elections); China-U.S. relations


2007PhD, Political science, Northwestern University, USA

2001—MA, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China

1996—BA, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China

Academic Employment

2019/5-present, Professor, Dean, School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Beijing Foreign Studies University

2014/7-2019/4, Associate Dean, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

2011/9-2019/4, Professor, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

2008/9-2011/7, Associate Professor, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

2007/9-2008/7, Assistant Professor, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

1996/9-1998/7, Teaching Assistant, Department of English Language and Culture, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing

Academic Publications

English Language Journal Articles

XIE, Tao, and Han Donglin. 2019. In the Shadow of Strategic Rivalry: China, America, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Journal of Contemporary China, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2019.1594104.

Xie, Tao, and Benjamin I. Page. 2013. What Affects Chinas International Image: A Cross-national Study of Public Opinion. Journal of Contemporary China, 22(82):850-67.

Xie, Tao, and Benjamin I. Page. 2010. “Americans and the Rise of China as a World Power.Journal of Contemporary China, 19(65):479-501.

Xie, Tao. 2008. Congress and China Policy: An Analysis of China Bills. Journal of Contemporary China, 14(54):141-65.

Xie, Tao. 2006. Congressional Roll Call Voting on Trade with China: MFN and PNTR. American Politics Research, 34(6): 732-58.


Page, Benjamin I., and Tao Xie. 2010. Living with the Dragon: Howe the American Public Views the Rise of China. New York: Columbia University Press.

Xie, Tao. 2009. U.S.-China Relations: China Policy on Capitol Hill. London: Routledge.

Chinese Language Journal Articles

Xie, Tao. 2019. “China and America in the Trump Era: A New Model of Great Power Confrontation”? Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs, online first.

Xie, Tao, and Chuanjie Zhang. 2019. How the Border Wall Has Polarized America. Contemporary World, No.6, pp.45-53.

Xie, Tao. 2018. “Understanding the Trump Administration through American Political Development. Frontiers, No.22, pp.6-19.

Xie, Tao. 2018. In Order to Save America, You Have to Destroy It: An Analysis of Trumps Governing Philosophy. Contemporary World, No.8, pp.47-50.

Zhang, Guoxi, and Tao Xie. 2018. An Analysis of Australias Current Anti-China Sentiments. Contemporary International Relations, No.3, pp.26-34.

Xie, Tao. 2018. The Decay of the American Democracy and the Rise of the China Model. World Politics Studies, No.1, pp.164-85.

Xie, Tao. 2017. Americas National Identity Crisis: Democracy, Race, and Global Leadership. Contemporary International Relations, No.12, pp.38-48.

Xie, Tao. 2017. Freedom Can Be Lethal in America. World Affairs, No.2, pp.66-68.

Xie, Tao. 2017. Whats Wrong with Americas Democracy? Peoples Tribune, No.3, pp.110-111.

Xie, Tao. 2017. From the End of History to the Decay of the American Democracy. Contemporary World, No.1, pp.33-37.

Xie, Tao. 2016. Issues in Chinese Research on Soft power and Public diplomacy. International Communications, No.6, pp.43-45.

Xie, Tao. 2012. Cycles, Party Realignment, and Sectionalism of American Presidential Elections in Historical and Comparative Perspectives. American Studies Quarterly, 26(4):30-45.

Xie, Tao. 2011. Public Opinion, Chinas Diplomacy and Sino-US Relations. Foreign Affairs Review, 28(5):59-71.

Xie, Tao. 2009. Americans and the Rise of China. World Economy and Politics, No.10, pp.25-32.

Xie, Tao. 2009. Theory and Methodology: New Directions in American Studies. Zhejiang Social Sciences, No.3, pp.2-12.

Xie, Tao. 2009. “How to Assess Congress’s Role in U.S.-China Relations: An Analysis of China Bills in 1973-2006. World Economy and Politics, No.1, pp.27-37.

Xie, Tao. 2009. Party Polarization in Congress: Causes and Consequences. International Forum, No.1, pp.65-71.

Xie, Tao, and Renyi Mei. 2008. China Policy Gaps between American Opinion Leaders and the General Public. Contemporary International Relations, No.11, pp.26-31.

Xie, Tao. 2008. Sectionalism in Congressional Policymaking toward China, World Economy and Politics, No.3, pp.33-40.

Xie, Tao, and Lee Sigelman. 2008. A Comparison of Methodology in Chinese and American Political Science. Zhejiang Social Sciences, No.5, pp.2-12.

Book Chapters

Page, Benjamin I., and Tao Xie. 2011. "Complexities of Economic Soft Power: The U.S.-China Case," in Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in East Asia, ed. Jan Melissen and Sook-jong Lee, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Page, Benjamin I., and Tao Xie. 2011. “Purposive Belief Systems Concerning Foreign Policy,” in Advances in the Analysis of Public Opinion and Political Behavior, ed. Benjamin Highton and Paul Sniderman, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Invited contributions

Xie, Tao. 2017. “China-US Relations during the Trump Administration: Mixed Signals, Increased Risks.Asia Policy, 24:5-12.

Xie, Tao. 2014. Softly Powerful: Chinas Pursuit of International Influence. Leviathan, 5(1):21-22.

Xie, Tao. 2014. Back on the Silk Road: Chinas Version of Rebalancing to Asia. Global Asia, 9(1):70-76.

Xie, Tao. 2013. El contestado auge de China en el Pacifico. Politica Exterior, 27(155):138-146.

Xie, Tao. 2011. The Fourth Wave of Democratization? Global Studies Journal, 1:119-122.

Courses Taught

Introduction to American Politics (undergraduate)

Introduction to Comparative Politics (undergraduate)

Selected Topics in American Politics (graduate)

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